
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Winter berth in Montenegro

 Berth booking-Montenegro
Mediterranean yachting season is at its end. We will have 3rd MYBA-Pop Up Super Yacht Show in Porto Montenegro from 8th to 10th September 2017. Preparations are in progress.

This tourist season was amassing, for Porto Montenegro and for the Montenegro as a country as well. Porto Montenegro is award from TYHA and MIA associations, and it is first and only Marina in the world to have such recognition. Damen Shipyards announced they are coming to Montenegro as a partner of Porto Montenegro, to build so we will have round up service of yachting industry on the highest level. We had all kinds of promotions and cultural events. Altogether one very successful summer.

End of season at our part of the beginning of the season on Bahamas, Caribs, Pacific islands, Australia.

For those who want to stay, they may. Our ports and marinas have berths all year long (Porto Montenegro, Marina Kotor, Marina Bar, Dukley Marina Budva), some of them have berths on land for winter (Marina Bar), but only for smaller vessels. We have 275 sunny days average in. We are not yet in the European Union. VAT for yachting industry is 7%. We are not on this list:

(Source: Megayacht news)

For the next season, we will have openings of two brand new marinas Lustica Bay and Portonovi so our yachting capacities will be further developing.

Berth registration-Montenegro

For those who want to transport their yachts to far we are offering services of delivery captains and yacht transport by ship.

For all necessary you can contact Yacht Agent Montenegro team.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Marine u Crnoj Gori

Usluge u crnogorskim marinama

1. Porto Montenegro-Tivat

Porto Montenegro- najpoznatija crnogorska marina raspolaže sa 450 vezova za plovila dužine od 12m do 250m. Sve formalnosti sa lučkim vlastima kako na dolasku tako i na odlasku iz teritorijalnih voda Crne Gore možete obaviti u ovoj marini jer je stekla status graničnog prelaza.

Kratkoročni i dugoročni zakup vezaUsluge u marini:

- carinske i imigracione usluge,
- napajanje električnom energijom (monofazna, trofazna),
- odlaganje otpada/otpadnih voda i kanalizacije,
- wi-fi internet,
- 24-časovno obezbjeđenje,
- yacht klub, klub posade...

VHF kanal - 71Ch

GPS koordinate: N 42° 43'    
                             E 18° 69'

2. Marina Kotor

Marina se nalazi na samom kraju Kotorskog zaliva. U njenoj neposrednoj bilizini se nalazi Stari grad. Marina ima 65 vezova od kojih je 15 za megajahte. U blizini se nalazi Lučka Kapetanija, carina i policija pa ovdje možete obaviti sve neophodne formalnosti sa lučkim vlastima prilikom uplovljena u marinu Kotor.

Lučka Kapetanija-KotorUsluge u marini:

- carinske i imigracione usluge,
- napajanje električnom energijom,
- odlaganje otpada/otpadnih voda,
- wi-fi internet,
- jacht klub...

VHF kanal – 16, 17, 68, za sigurnost 09

GPS koordinate: N 42° 42'   
                             E 18° 76'

3. Marina Budva

Jedno od najposjećenijih mjesta u Crnoj Gori jeste Budva. Smještena u blizini Starog grada, Dukley marina Budva raspolaže sa 350 vezova, za plovila dužine do 70m.

Usluge u marini:

- snabdijevanje električnom energijom (monofazna, trofazna),
- snabdijevanje vodom,
- odlaganje otpada/otpadnih voda,
- wi-fi internet,
- 24-časovno obezbjeđenje,
- tehnička podrška,
- benzinska stanica (gorivo nije oslobođeno taksi i poreza)…

VHF kanal 8 Ch

GPS koordinate: N 42° 28'   
                             E 18° 83'

4. Marina Bar

Marina Bar raspolaže sa oko 600 vezova što je čini jednom od najvećih marina u Crnoj Gori. U ovu marinu mogu uploviti jahte dužine do 35m. U blizini marine se nalazi Lučka Kapetanija, carina i policija pa ovdje možete obaviti sve procedure vezane za uplovljavanje i isplovljavanje iz teritorijalnog mora Crne Gore.

Lučka kapetanija Bar

Usluge u marini:

- carinske i imigracione usluge,
- snabdijevanje električnom energijom,
- snabdijevanje vodom,
- preuzima sve vrste otpadnih voda,
- Wi-Fi,
- benzinska stanica (gorivo oslobođeno poreza, taksi i akciza)...

VHF kanal – 12 Ch

GPS koordinate: N 42° 09'    
                            E 19° 08'
Pozicija marine Bar na Google mapi

Marine u izgradnji

1. Luštica Bay

Marina Luštica Bay je marina u izgradnji čije je otvaranje planirano za sledeću godinu. U ovu marinu će moći da pristanu plovila do 40 metara dužine, a raspolagaće sa 176 vezova.

Usluge u marini:

Kratkoročni i dugoročni zakup veza- snabdijevanje električnom energijom (monofaznom i trofaznom),
- odlaganje otpada i otpadnih voda
- 24h usluge pomoći jahtama,
- obezbjeđenje 00-24h,
- Wi-Fi internet,
- yacht klub,
- mogućnost kratkoročnog i dugoročnog zakupa veza...

GPS koordinate: N 42° 23'    
                             E 18° 39'

2. Portonovi-Kumbor

Druga marina u izgradnji na crnogorskoj obali jeste marina Portonovi. Nalazi se u sklopu turističkog kompleksa Portonovi-Kumbor. Marina će raspolagati sa 240 vezova za plovila dužine od 8m do 75m.

Kratkoročni i dugoročni zakup vezaUsluge u marini:

- benzinska pumpa (do 120.000l),
- snabdijevanje vodom i strujom,
- tuš i toalet,
- yacht klub,
- Wi-Fi internet,
- mogućnost kratkoročnog i dugoročnog zakupa veza...

GPS koordinate: N 42° 43'    
                             E 18° 60'
Pozicija marine Portonovi-Kumbor na Google mapi 

U koliko planirate da posjetite neku od ovih crnogorskih marina a potrebna Vam je asistencija na dolasku, odlasku, prilikom snabdijevanja bezcarinskim gorivom, rezervaciji veza  kontaktirajte Yacht Agent Montenegro.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Yacht Transportation

Yacht Transportation (Liner charter, Charter transport)

If you want to move your vessel from Australia, or Asia, or any other part of the world, to Mediterranean sea, the safest and cheapest way is to embark it on a ship. 
The size of the vessel, place from which you want to displace it and your need for punctuality are tree main factors for finding suitable solution for your vessel.

Liner charter

In the case when you need for your vessel to be on an exact place in exact time, your solution is a liner charter, which means you are putting your vessel on a liner ship, which has an exact sailing route, dated of departure and arrival, and it is used for transportation of other goods. This kind of transportation will cost you more.
Other than price, it has its benefits, such as your vessel can be transported indoors, below deck, protected from weather conditions and large amounts of water, you have an exact arrival date, if you change your mind they will not charge you penalty price(in most cases), etc.

Charter transport

Specialized ships for yacht transport

The cheaper way of transport is Charter. For this tip of transport, you need patience, and it is only for those owners to whom time is irrelevant. When we say time, in this case we mean weeks and months, depending on a distance.
Charter transport is executed by specialized ships which do not transport any other cargo. For them it is possible to enter even in some marinas, while liner ships demands large ports and its infrastructure (cranes). Vessels are lifted directly from the sea to ship with ships crane specialized for this purpose. For sailing yachts there is no need to lower mast, because there is no height limit, which is a must do if you want to use liner ship.

The vessel should be prepared, and stand by for two weeks for Charter transport. Dates are unreliable, patience and flexibility is expected from owners. This is happening because these ships are taking vessels from different ports and marinas and they do not have exact traveling route. They have an exact starting point, and all other stops are determined by your wishes to embark or disembark the vessel. If you change your mind from already contracted charter, you will pay full price, as if you get true with it.
Price for both kind of transport is lower comparing with a price you should pay if you travel the distance by yourself. Expenses of fuel, crew, provisions are far larger than a price of transportation, and it is far safer than a few months sail in an open ocean.

If you need any assistance concerning your vessel you can contact Yacht Agent Montenegro.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Useful information for yacht crew and yacht owners on arrival at Montenegro

If you decided to visit Montenegro this summer, this information will help you to enter Montenegro territorial waters and sail through safely.

1. Mandatory check-in system

Maritime Safety Department of Montenegro has introduced a mandatory check-in system for all vessels entering and leaving the Vessel Traffic System-VTS (42°01'N 18°54'E) responsibility of 12 nautical miles or reporting to Montenegrin VTS in Dobra Voda (VHF: Ch 11 87).
When the vessel in the area of international navigation intends to sail into the VTS area, it is necessary to prepare the following information: name of the vessel, international call sign, position, speed, destination and estimated time of arrival (ETA) 15 minutes in advance and at the latest when the vessel enters the area.


Pilotage Boka Bay and Port of Bar
If you are entering one of the Montenegro marinas (Marina Bar, Marina Porto Montenegro - Tivat, Marina Kotor, Port of Zelenika) and your vessel is 1000 BT or more, pilotage is mandatory. Pilots are 24/7 at your disposal. It is necessary to request pilotage 24 hours prior the arrival to the marina and you do that via the radio station.VHF channels: 16/17 Ch for Boka Bay, and 12 Ch for Port of Bar. 
The exception is that they are exempt pilotage captains who are more than five times the same ship sailed to the same port or marina.

3.Necessary documents

Harbour Branch Office TivatAfter entering the nearest port or marina, and after doing border control procedures, it is necessary to obtain vignette. In order for the Harbour Office or its branches to be able to issue a vignette (proof of eligibility for the navigation of a foreign ship or yacht in the territorial waters of Montenegro) the following proof must be submitted:
- a request for obtaining a vignette,
- the certificate of registration of the vessel,
- certificate of the ability of the person operating the boat or yacht (Master’s/Skipper’s-Certificate, GMDSS certificates, the certificates of the rest of the crew)
- the insurance policy against liability for damage caused to third parties, for the minimum of € 800,000.00.
- proof of ownership or a notarized power of attorney to manage the yacht,
- proof of payment of fees for the use of navigational safety and administrative fee.
If you do not have necessary documents your request for obtaining vignette will be denied, and you will have to live Montenegro territorial waters in time frame decided by Harbor Masters Office or Harbor Branch Office.

4. Tourist tax 

Each foreign vessel (ship or yacht with built in beds that are used for vacation, sports, recreation, leisure, cruising...), who happens to be in the territorial waters of Montenegro is obliged to pay the tax. Residence tax for vessels on the period of their stay in Montenegro and the length of the vessel. 
Residence tax may be taken out for a period of 7, 15, 30, 90 days and for a period of one year, depending on the period for which the vignettes are taken. The minimum amount of the fee is 5 euros, maximum 120 euros.

5. Speed limit

When you are entering Boka Bay it is necessary that you are aware of the speed limit for this area. For all vessels sailing Boka Bay speed limit is 10 knots, and while in Kumbor strait (channel) and the strait of Verige speed limit is 6 knots. These speed limits are mandatory for all vessels: cruisers, mega yachts, yachts, speed boats, boats, ski-jets, sail boats, catamarans, trimarans, etc.

VHF Channels

6. VHF Channels

Bar – 12 Ch
Budva - 08 Ch
Porto Montenegro - 71 Ch
Kotor - 16, 17, 68 Ch
Zelenika - 16, 17 Ch

If you need any additional information, or you need an agent during your stay in Montenegro you can contact Yacht Agent Montenegro by contact form, or by phone +382 67 55 22 87, available 24/7.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Korisne informacije za posadu i vlasnike plovila na dolasku u Crnu Goru

U koliko ste odlučili da posjetite Crnogorsku obalu ove sezone, ove informacije će Vam pomoći da bezbjedno uplovite i boravite u crnogorskim teritorijalnim vodama.

1. Obavezni sistem čekiranja

Za sva plovila koja ulaze i izlaze iz takozvane VTS-Vessel traffic sistem zone (42°01'N 18°54'E) odgovornosti od 12 nautičkih milja Uprava pomorske sigurnosti Crne Gore uvela je obavezni sistem čekiranja odnosno javljanja crnogorskom VTS centru u Dobroj Vodi (VHF: Ch 11 87).
U koliko namjeravate da iz područja međunarodne plovidbe uplovite u VTS područje potrebno je prikupiti sledeće podatke: ime plovnog objekta, međunarodni pozivni znak, poziciju, brzinu, odredište kao i procijenjeno vrijeme dolaska (ETA) 15 minuta prije, a najkasnije prilikom ulaska plovnog objekta.

2. Pilotaža

Pilotaža Boka Kotorska i Luka Bar

U koliko uplovljavate u neku od crnogorskih marina (marina Bar, marina Porto Montenegro-Tivat, marina Kotor, luka Zelenika) a bruto tonaža Vašeg plovila iznosi preko 1000 prilikom uplovljavanja i isplovljavanja pilotaža je obavezna. Piloti su na raspolaganju 24 sata. Traže se 24 sata ranije preko obalske radio-stanice. VHF kanali: Bokokotorski zaliv 16/17 Ch, Luka Bar 12 Ch.
Ako je kapetan više od pet puta sa istim plovilom uplovljavao u neku crnogorsku marinu uz odobrenje Lučke kapetanije može biti oslobođen pilotaže u istoj.

3. Neophodni dokumenti

Lučka Ispostava-TivatNakon uplovljavanja u najbližu luku ili marinu i nakon obavljene granične kontrole neophodno je pribaviti vinjetu. Dokumenti koji su neophodni za dobijanje iste u Lučkoj Kapetaniji ili Ispostavi su:
- zahtjev za dobijanje vinjete,
- sertifikat o registraciji,
- sertifikat o sposobnosti lica koje upravlja stranom jahtom i članova posade (GMDSS),
- sertifikat o osiguranju od odgovornosti za štetu pričinjenu trećim licima (na minimum 800000,00 eura),
- sertifikat o vlasništvu ili notarizovanom punomoćju za korišćenje jahte,
- sertifikat o plaćenoj naknadi za korišćenje objekata sigurnosti plovidbe i administrativnoj taksi.
U koliko ne posjedujete navedene dokumente Vaš zahtjev za izdavanje vinjete će biti odbijen, a teritorijalne vode Crne Gore moraćete napustiti u vremenskom periodu koji odredi Lučka Kapetanija ili Ispostava.

4. Turistička taksa

Svaki strani plovni objekat (brod ili jahta sa ugrađenim ležajevima koji se koriste za odmor, sport, rekreaciju, razonodu, krstarenja...) koji boravi u teritorijalnom moru Crne Gore u obavezi je da plati boravišnu taksu. Visina boravišne takse za plovne objekte zavisiće od vremenskog perioda njihovog boravka u Crnoj Gori i od dužine plovila.
Nautička taksa se može uzeti na vremenski period od 7, 15, 30, 90 dana i na period od godinu dana u zavisnosti od perioda za koji se uzma vinjeta. Minimalni iznos turističke takse iznosi 5 eura dok je maksimalni iznos 120 eura.

5. Ograničenje brzine

U koliko uplovljavate u Boku Kotorsku neophodno je da znate kolika je maksimalna dozvoljena brzina plovidbe na tom području.
Kada je riječ o brzini kretanja plovila kroz bokokotorski zaliv maksimalna dozvoljena brzina iznosi do 10 čvorova (10kn), dok je u kumborski tjesnac i tjesnac Verige brzina ograničena na 6 čvorova (6kn). Svi učesnici pomorskog saobraćaja obavezni su da se pridržavaju ovih ograničenja: kruzeri, jahte, mega jahte, gliseri, katamarani, trimarani, jedrilice, skuteri…

VHF kanali

6. VHF kanali

Bar – 12 Ch
Budva - 08 Ch
Porto Montenegro - 71 Ch
Kotor - 16, 17, 68 Ch
Zelenika - 16, 17 Ch

U koliko su Vam potrebene neke dodatne informacije ili Vam je potreban agent tokom Vašeg boravka u Crnoj Gori kontaktirajte Yacht Agent Montenegro putem kontakt forme ili na broj telefona +382 67 55 22 87 koji je dostupan 24 sata.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Upcoming mega yacht refit and repair center in Montenegro

Two large and distinguish companies of yachting industry Adriatic Marinas/Porto Montenegro and Damen Shipyards will take over Bijela Shipyard by the end of this year. Where Bijela Shipyard was now it will be a new mega and super yachts refit and repair center.

The new center for refit and repair will provide service for yachts up to 120m. It will have a large synchro elevator, a few travel elevators of larger capacity, and four modern workshops, with one completely sealed for yacht paint refit.

Berth for yacht of 250m
Porto Montenegro-Tivat

Besides berth for yachts of 250 m, tax-free fuel, 7% VAT for marina services, 0% VAT for charter (vessel rent), this opening of a new refit and repair center for mega and super yachts is significant, and will round up yacht industry service so all the vessel owners will have full service in Montenegro for all seasons.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Remont mega i super jahti uskoro u Crnoj Gori

Dvije prepoznatljive kompanije u pomorskoj industriji, Adriatic Marinas/Porto Montenegro i brodogradilišna kompanija Damen, krajem ove godine preuzeće brodogradilište Bijela. Na mjestu nekadašnjeg brodogradilišta uskoro će se nalaziti novi centar za remont i servis mega i super jahti.

Novi centar za remont i servis jahti moći će generalno da remontuje jahte dužine do 120m. Centar će posjedovati veliki sinhro lift, nekoliko travel liftova većeg kapaciteta, kao i četiri moderne remontne radionice od kojih će jedna biti potpuno zatvorena, namijenjena farbanju jahti.

Vez za jahte do 250m
Porto Montenegro-Tivat
Pored veza za jahte dužine do čak 250 metara, goriva koje ne podliježe porezu i carini, 7% poreza na usluge koje pruža marina, 0% poreza za čartere (zakupe plovila) otvaranjem ovog remontnog centra za mega i super jahte upotpuniće se ponuda, pa će vlasnici plovila u Crnoj Gori imati sve što je neophodno za njihovo plovilo kako u ljetnjem tako i u zimskom periodu.