
Friday, May 29, 2020


The new measures adopted by the Institute of Public Health will take effect on the 1st of June 2020.

The entry of persons from countries with a lower active rate of 25/100,000

A decision was made to allow foreign nationals to enter Montenegro without prescribing quarantine and self-isolation measures. The key criterion for allowing entry being an active coronavirus case rate of less than 25 per 100,000 inhabitants in the country of which the foreigner is resident and in the country of origin which a foreigner enters Montenegro.

Countries that are allowed to enter Montenegro are included in the following: Slovenia (0.43 confirmed cases per 100,000 inhabitants), Iceland (0.88), Croatia (2.34), Slovakia (2.93), Georgia (3.83), Switzerland (6.46), Albania (7.12), Austria (7.98), Monaco (10.20), Kosovo (11.99), Germany (12.61), Greece (13.00), Hungary (13.57), Denmark (13.97), Lithuania (14.57), Latvia (15.52), Luxembourg (16.00), Bosnia and Herzegovina (16.45), Bulgaria (19.82), Israel (20.94), Czech Republic (22.41), Finland (23.09) and Estonia (16.06). (You can check the complete list on the web portal of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro).

With the countries on the list, air and sea traffic is allowed, and the current measure on general aviation remains in force.

Source: Government of  Montenegro

Entry of persons from countries with a higher active rate of 25/100,000

The measure of self-isolation or quarantine for 14 days is determined for Montenegrin citizens and foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in our country who enter Montenegro from countries where the confirmed rate of active cases of coronavirus is higher than 25 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Persons who have a negative test result for the new coronavirus, the measure of self-isolation and quarantine is canceled after 14 days. Self-isolation means staying in family accommodation or another facility, with monitoring of the health condition of this person, as well as all members of his joint family household by the competent epidemiological service.

Institutional isolation is mandatory for persons:

* Who have been in quarantine or self-isolation and whose test results for the new coronavirus are positive, and they must be isolated from healthy people, and they cannot be provided with self-isolation in family accommodation;

* Who have been hospitalized, have recovered and have no symptoms of the disease, but do not yet have two repeated negative results from samples taken 24 hours apart;

* Who arrived from abroad and when placed in quarantine, the results of the test for the new coronavirus were positive.

NOTE: We will keep you updated about the list of countries that will be allowed to enter Montenegro.

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