
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Update Greece - August 5, 2020

Entry to Greece:

1. Is allowed for Greek citizens, regardless of their country of origin, on the condition that they have a Greek passport or a special identity card for expatriates;
2. Citizens and residents of the European Union (EU);
3. Citizens and residents of the EU+. This includes Schengen countries that are not in the EU (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Lichtenstein) plus Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Romania, Ireland and the UK. Non-EU passport holders with EU permanent residence permits may enter Greece. Contact the Greek Embassy in the country of your residence to verify your residency documents and they will permit you to enter Greece;
4. Citizens and residents of the following non-EU countries: Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Morocco, Montenegro, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay.

All sea connections between Greece and Turkey, Greece and Albania will remain closed until August 14th!

As from 16 July, member states should gradually lift the travel restrictions at the external borders for residents of the following third countries: 
Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay, China, subject to confirmation of reciprocity.

Regarding the epidemiological situation, third countries listed should meet the following criteria, in particular:
1. Number of new COVID-19 cases over the last 14 days and per 100 000 inhabitants close to or below the EU average (as it stood on 15 June 2020);
2. The stable or decreasing trend of new cases over this period in comparison to the previous 14 days;
3. The overall response to COVID-19 taking into account available information, including on aspects such as testing, surveillance, contact tracing, containment, treatment and reporting, as well as the reliability of the information and, if needed, the total average score for International Health Regulations (IHR). Information provided by EU delegations on these aspects should also be taken into account.

Schengen associated countries (Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) also take part in this recommendation.

NOTE: Entry into Greece regardless of nationality is allowed for all crew members on private or charter vessels. Upon entry of the passenger who will be staying on the private or charter yacht the measures apply as for Greek and foreign nationals listed in the text above.

Update Croatia - August 5, 2020

Arrival for EU citizens from Montenegro to Croatia is allowed without a PCR test, but arrival from Montenegro to Croatia by citizens from any other country is not available without a negative PCR test not older than 48h. Crew members with a contract can cross Croatian borders from all countries without restrictions (no quarantine or self-isolation required).

Arrivals of foreign citizens for tourist purposes, who will in Croatia be staying onboard yachts of over 24 meters in length/vessels - passengers

1. Passengers as well as vessel owners and their family members, friends and any other person other than the crew.
2. The passengers arrived to Croatia by airplanes, and unable to present negative results of tests of the nose and throat swab for SARS-CoV-2, not older than 48 hours, shall be organized immediate transfer to the vessel. The transfer may be organized by a private helicopter that will be stored onboard.
3. The passengers shall undergo tests of nose and throat swab for SARS-CoV-2 after being accommodated onboard the vessel.
4. The vessel on board of which there are passengers who cannot, upon arrival to Croatia, present a negative PCR result of tests of the nose and throat swab for SARS-CoV-2, not older than 48 hours, shall sail to the ports of Dubrovnik, Split, Sibenik, Zadar, Rijeka or Pula, where the passengers will be PCR tested.

Self-isolation of passengers on a vessel in Croatia may be performed:
1. Berthed in a marina or port open to public traffic;
2. At anchor if there is no vacant berth in marina or port; or
3. While sailing in Croatia without calling in any port and with no contacts with other persons.
5. The passengers shall be subjected to temperature measurements and maintaining records the same as the crewmembers.

Arrivals of third-country citizens for immediate personal reasons and having a yacht or boat
berthed in Croatia - owners
1. All the persons entering Croatia from third countries as exempted from the ban of crossing the border, and the persons traveling for immediate personal reasons (e.g., owners of vessels in Croatia) or having another immediate personal reason shall be subjected to medical supervision and the 14-day quarantine/self-isolation.
The quarantine/self-isolation may be shortened to seven days if the person at their cost performs nose and throat swab test within seven days from entering Croatia and receives a negative PCR test result for SARS-CoV-2.

2. With regard to the vessels owned by legal entities, foreign citizens proving they are owners of that legal entity or that they are responsible persons in that legal entity as well as vessel owners for the purpose of these instructions.

Update Montenegro - August 5, 2020.

International maritime traffic is performed with countries and across the territory of countries from the 'green list,' consisting of: EU Member States, Algeria, Andorra, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Barbados, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Fiji, Georgia, Iceland, Indonesia, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Russia, Senegal, Seychelles, South Korea, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam and Zambia. 

'Yellow list': Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Kosovo, Israel and Singapore. 

At the session of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, the list of countries whose residents can enter Montenegro was updated. From 04. August 2020. residents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan will be allowed to enter Montenegro without additional conditions.


If you and your crew meet all of these conditions you are welcome to come to Montenegro without any additional restrictions:

* If you, your crew or guests are residents of one of the countries from the green list, or has stayed in the country from the green list, for at least 15 days before entering Montenegro;
* If in the period from the 15th day before entering Montenegro to the day of entry, you, your crew or guests did not stay in any of the countries not included in the green list of countries;
* You, your crew or guests did not travel to any of the countries or through any of the countries not included in the green list of countries, except in transit.

Also, with the negative PCR, ELISA or ECLIA test for COVID-19, which is no older than 72 hours:

* If you, your crew or guests are residents from one of the countries from the previous 'green list' or 'yellow list' or have stayed in the country from the previous 'green list' or 'yellow list' for at least 15 days before entry to Montenegro;
* In the period from the 15th day before entering Montenegro to the day of entry, he or she did not stay in any of country out of the previous 'green list' or this 'yellow list';
* He or she did not travel through one of the countries out of the previous 'green list' and 'yellow list' of countries, except in transit.

NOTE: The obligation of having a test does NOT apply to children under the age of five.

Monday, June 22, 2020

New measures on developments in Montenegro regarding Covid-19

The National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases has made a new decision on opening the borders of Montenegro in accordance with the policy of the highest level of protection of citizens, foreigners living in our country and tourists. The new measures come into force on June 21, 2020. at 24h.

In accordance with the adopted principles, three lists of countries have been formed depending on: the number of active and new cases of coronavirus infection, the trend of the number of infected persons and the overall response of a country to a pandemic, as well as information on aspects such as testing, treatment, contact monitoring and reporting.

Countries whose residents can enter Montenegro without restrictions are: Algeria, Angola, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Brunei, Bulgaria, Bhutan, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji , Philippines, Finland, Gambia, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Greenland, Georgia, Guyana, Guinea, Netherlands, Croatia, Indonesia, Ireland, Iceland, East Timor, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, South Korea, South Sudan, Cambodia, Cameroon, Kenya, China, Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Comoros, Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Hungary, Malawi, Malta, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mexico , Myanmar, Monaco, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Germany, Norway, New Zealand, Ivory Coast, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Slovakia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Senegal, Slovenia, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Switzerland, Saint Lucia, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Tajikistan, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Countries whose residents can enter Montenegro with a negative result of PCR test on SARS-CoV-2 accredited laboratories, aged no more than 48 hours are: Italy, Albania, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Israel, Poland, Romania and Ukraine.

The third group are foreign nationals who enter Montenegro from some of the countries that are not on the list and are sent to quarantine for 14 days.

NOTE: It is mandatory to wear protective masks in public indoor facilities.

These measures also apply to passengers and crew entering one of the Montenegrin marinas.

If you are planning to visit Montenegro and want to get timely information about all current measures, feel free to contact the Yacht Agent Montenegro team.

Thursday, June 4, 2020


Having in mind the implementation of the "Plan for the reception and management of foreign vessels and their crews in the ports of Montenegro, enabling unloading, embarkation and transit of foreign seafarers, as well as the management of foreign vessels entering the ports of Montenegro for fuel", we want to inform you about the mitigation of measures adopted by the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs.

Namely, from the 1st of June foreign vessels entering Montenegro and coming by water from countries with a lower active rate of 25 per 100000 inhabitants can freely enter all ports and marinas of Montenegro.

Boka Bay

If your last port of residence was in Croatia, Greece, Slovenia, Albania, Malta, Cyprus or Monaco upon arrival of the crew and passengers are free to stay in Montenegro without staying in quarantine for 14 days. And if the owners, guests or crew are citizens of the following countries and come to Montenegro by land or air they are not obliged to stay in self-isolation or quarantine, those countries are:

Slovenia, Iceland, Croatia, Slovakia, Georgia, Switzerland, Albania, Austria, Monaco, Kosovo, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Israel, Czech Republic, Finland, Estonia...

If you enter Montenegro from countries with a higher active rate of 25 per 100000 inhabitants, the crew and passengers are assigned a measure of self-isolation or quarantine for a period of 14 days. The measure of self-isolation and quarantine is abolished after 14 days for persons who have a negative coronavirus test result.

Tax-free diesel: All vessels that intend to enter Montenegro in order to supply duty-free fuel, entry is allowed, with the mandatory departure from Montenegro territorial waters immediately after the bunker. Tax-free diesel fuel is available at: Port of Bar, Marina Bar and Porto Montenegro.

By standard retail prices of fuel, you can supply your vessel in Port of Kotor, Marina Kotor and Dukley Marina Budva.

If you are planning to come to Montenegro and need detailed information, feel free to contact the Yacht Agent Montenegro team. Welcome to Montenegro!

Friday, May 29, 2020


Novo ukidanje mjera koje su doneseno od strane Instituta za javno zdravlje će stupiti na snagu od 1.06.2020. godine.

Ulazak lica iz država manje stope aktivnih od 25/100.000

Donesena je odluka da se dozvoli stranim državljanima ulazak u Crnu Goru i to bez propisivanja mjera karantina i samoizolacije, s tim da ključni kriterijum za dozvolu ulaska bude utvrđena stopa aktivnih slučajeva koronavirusa manja od 25 na 100.000 stanovnika u državi čiji je stranac rezident i u državi iz koje stranac ulazi u Crnu Goru.

Zemalje čijim građanima je dozvoljen ulazak u Crnu Goru među ostalim su: Slovenija (0,43 potvrđena slučaja na 100.000 stanovnika), Island (0,88), Hrvatska (2,34), Slovačka (2,93), Gruzija (3,83), Švajcarska (6,46), Albanija (7,12), Austrija (7,98), Monako (10,20), Kosovo (11,99), Njemačka (12,61), Grčka (13,00), Mađarska (13,57), Danska (13,97), Litvanija (14,57), Letonija (15,52), Luksemburg (16,00), Bosna i Hercegovina (16,45), Bugarska (19,82), Izrael (20,94), Češka (22,41), Finska (23,09) i Estonija (16,06). (Kompletnu listu moguće je preuzeti sa web portala Instituta za javno zdravlje Crne Gore).

Izvor: Vlada Crne Gore

Sa državama sa liste dozvoljava se vazdušni i pomorski saobraćaj, a na snazi ostaje i dosadašnja mjera o generalnoj avijaciji.

Ulazak lica iz država veće stope aktivnih od 25/100.000

Mjera stavljanja u samoizolaciju ili karantin u trajanju od 14 dana određuje se državljanima Crne Gore i strancima sa stalnim ili privremenim boravkom u našoj zemlji koji ulaze u Crnu Goru iz država u kojima je potvrđrena stopa aktivnih slučajeva oboljelih od koronavirusa veća od 25 na 100.000 stanovnika.

Lica koja imaju negativan rezultat testa na novi koronavirus, mjera samoizolacije i karantina ukida se nakon 14 dana.

Samoizolacija podrazumijeva boravak u porodičnom smještaju ili drugom objektu, uz praćenje zdravstvenog stanja ovog lica, kao i svih članova njegovog zajedničkog porodičnog domaćinstva od strane nadležne epidemiološke službe.

Institucionalna izolacija je obavezna je za lica:
* koja su boravila u karantinu ili samoizolaciji i čiji su rezultati testa na novi koronavirus pozitivni, a moraju se izolovati od zdravih lica, a ne može im se obezbijediti samoizolacija u porodičnom smještaju;
* koja su bila na bolničkom liječenju, oporavljena su i nemaju simptome bolesti, ali još nemaju dva uzastopna negativna rezultata iz uzoraka uzetih u razmaku od 24 časa;
* koja su doputovala iz inostranstva i prilikom smještanja u karantin rezultati testa na novi koronavirus su im bili pozitivni.

NAPOMENA: Obavještavaćemo vas o listi zemalja kojima će biti dozvoljen ulazak u Crnu Goru.


The new measures adopted by the Institute of Public Health will take effect on the 1st of June 2020.

The entry of persons from countries with a lower active rate of 25/100,000

A decision was made to allow foreign nationals to enter Montenegro without prescribing quarantine and self-isolation measures. The key criterion for allowing entry being an active coronavirus case rate of less than 25 per 100,000 inhabitants in the country of which the foreigner is resident and in the country of origin which a foreigner enters Montenegro.

Countries that are allowed to enter Montenegro are included in the following: Slovenia (0.43 confirmed cases per 100,000 inhabitants), Iceland (0.88), Croatia (2.34), Slovakia (2.93), Georgia (3.83), Switzerland (6.46), Albania (7.12), Austria (7.98), Monaco (10.20), Kosovo (11.99), Germany (12.61), Greece (13.00), Hungary (13.57), Denmark (13.97), Lithuania (14.57), Latvia (15.52), Luxembourg (16.00), Bosnia and Herzegovina (16.45), Bulgaria (19.82), Israel (20.94), Czech Republic (22.41), Finland (23.09) and Estonia (16.06). (You can check the complete list on the web portal of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro).

With the countries on the list, air and sea traffic is allowed, and the current measure on general aviation remains in force.

Source: Government of  Montenegro

Entry of persons from countries with a higher active rate of 25/100,000

The measure of self-isolation or quarantine for 14 days is determined for Montenegrin citizens and foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in our country who enter Montenegro from countries where the confirmed rate of active cases of coronavirus is higher than 25 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Persons who have a negative test result for the new coronavirus, the measure of self-isolation and quarantine is canceled after 14 days. Self-isolation means staying in family accommodation or another facility, with monitoring of the health condition of this person, as well as all members of his joint family household by the competent epidemiological service.

Institutional isolation is mandatory for persons:

* Who have been in quarantine or self-isolation and whose test results for the new coronavirus are positive, and they must be isolated from healthy people, and they cannot be provided with self-isolation in family accommodation;

* Who have been hospitalized, have recovered and have no symptoms of the disease, but do not yet have two repeated negative results from samples taken 24 hours apart;

* Who arrived from abroad and when placed in quarantine, the results of the test for the new coronavirus were positive.

NOTE: We will keep you updated about the list of countries that will be allowed to enter Montenegro.