
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tax and duty-free diesel in Montenegro

Montenegro offers tax and duty-free fuel for private and commercial vessels at a price of about 45% lower than the standard retail price, making Montenegro a tempting destination on the Adriatic Sea. 
Along the Montenegrin coast, there are three fuel stations where you can supply your yacht with tax and duty-free diesel. This are some important facts that can help you if you planning to visit Montenegro or other Mediterranean countries.

Port of Bar

Refueling in Port of Bar
Fuel dock in Port of Bar
D.O. grade: Euro diesel and GasOil 0.1 – TAX and DUTY FREE;
Yacht length: up to 140 meters;
Yacht Draft: up to 13 meters;
Quantity limitation: up to 1.000.000 liters;
Working hours: High season – 00:00 to 24:00 hrs;
                            Low season – 07:00 to 19:00 hrs.
NOTE: This is a commercial port and Port due (eg. firemans, mooring, unmooring, garbage, oil spill protecting system, etc.) will be charged.

Marina Bar

Bunkering in Marina Bar
Fuel dock in Marina Bar
D.O. grade: Euro diesel – TAX and DUTY-FREE;
Yacht length: up to 45 meters;
Yacht Draft: up to 4,5 meters;
Quantity limitation: up to 30.000 liters;
Working hours: High season – (June 1st to September 30th) 8:00 to 20:00 hrs;
                            Low season – (October 1st to May 30th) 9:00 to 17:00 hrs.
NOTE: For quantities above 20.000 liters 2-3 days notice required. During summer season this fuel dock is also pretty busy.

Porto Montenegro Tivat

Refueling with duty free diesel in Montenegro
Fuel dock in Porto Montenegro
Location: 42°26'09.7"N, 18°41'26.7"E
D.O. grade: Euro diesel – TAX and DUTY-FREE
Yacht length: up to 250 meters
Yacht Draft: up to 15 meters
Quantity limitation: up to 800.000 liters
Working hours: High season (May 1st to September 30th) – 8:00 to 20 hrs; 
                            Low season (October 1st to April 30th) – 9:00 to 17 hrs.
NOTE: During summer season up to 7 days in advance notice required due to busy schedules.

Important note: For duty-free refueling, a valid vignette and a stamp with yacht’s details are required. Upon completion of bunkering, the yacht must clear out Montenegro territorial waters the shortest way. Duty-free fuel cannot be consumed in the country.

By standard retail prices of fuel, you can supply your vessel in Port of Kotor, Marina Kotor and Dukley Marina Budva.

For any information regarding diesel prices, berth availability and prices, do not hesitate to contact us through our website or by phone +382 67 552 287 any time 24/7.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Gastronomic journey around Montenegro

Hidden in the heart of Europe, Montenegro is a small country, which is ready to surprise you with a national cuisine and dishes that until now you maybe haven’t had the opportunity to taste. Whether you are a gourmet or not, if you choose sea specialties or some of the traditional Montenegrin dishes, you will definitely not remain indifferent. You can feel the taste in one day - in three meals.

Traditional Montenegrin dishes that we recommend you to try:

1. Njeguska prsuta and dried cheese

The most famous traditional Montenegrin appetizer is certainly a Njeguska prsuta, served with Njeguski sir (dried cheese), olives and homemade brandy or wine (Crnogorski Vranac, Vranac Procorde, Crnogorski Cabarnet, Crnogorski Merlot, Vranac Barik, Premijer, Medun). 
The secret of a unique and recognizable taste lies in good preparation, drying high-quality meat for several months.

Traditional Montenegrin dish

2. Priganice

The simplicity of taste and ease of combining with different foodstuffs are the characteristics of one of the most favorite specialties that resist the time - priganice. These soft ˝balls˝ are prepared from dough, fried in deep oil. It is traditionally served with homemade honey or jam, and can also be served as a salty dish, along with cheese.

3. Kacamak

Kacamak is a creamy, high-calorie dish made of potato and wheat or corn flour, whose taste is complemented by cheese and cream added in the end. The ideal combination with kacamak is homemade sour milk.

4. Meat under the ˝sac˝

The ˝sac˝ is the oldest method for preparing traditional food, where meat (veal, lamb, octopus, fish) and vegetables are placed under the metal cover. All this is covered with charcoal and ash, so that the meal is baked evenly and saves the flavor.

5. Japraci

The japraci are a Montenegrin variant of ˝sarma˝ prepared with meat and rice filling, wrapped in rastan (vegetable with hard green leaves) or vine leaves. This extraordinarily nutritious meal is cooked with dried meat, so it gets a fantastic flavor.

Montenegrin variant of "sarma"

6. Black risotto

If you’re a lover of seafood and risotto, this dish is the right choice for you. The risotto is a specific black color obtained from the octopus ink. This delicious specialty can be enriched with a glass of white wine (Crnogorski Krstač, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Podgoričko bijelo).

Octopus ink

7. Octopus salad

Octopus salad is also a popular dish in Montenegrin coastal restaurants. The availability of fresh octopus in Montenegro is what makes this salad special. Cooked meat of octopus is cut into pieces and seasoned, and usually combined with boiled potatoes, onion, tomatoes and olives.


White fish with the unique taste is one of the most famous fish of the Adriatic. Although it is rather forgotten, its exceptional aroma and taste will satisfy all your senses.

9. Fish soup

If you’re a soup-lover, we recommend you to try the traditional fish soup. This thick and spicy soup is prepared with several types of fish, with the addition of tomato sauce and paprika.

Traditional fish soup

10. Dried carp

The traditional meal of the Skadar Lake residents is smoked dry carp, which is served as the main dish with various additions like a boiled potato, onion and parsley. You must try this dish if you find yourself in Montenegro.

Skadar lake

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Gastronomski put Crne Gore

Skrivena u srcu Evrope, Crna Gora je mala zemlja koja je spremna da Vas iznenadi sa nacionalnom kuhinjom i jelima koja do sada možda nijeste imali priliku da probate. 
Bilo da ste gurman ili ne, ukoliko se opredijelite za morske specijalitete ili neko od tradicionalnih crnogorskih jela, sigurno nećete ostati ravnodušni. Njene ukuse možete osjetiti u jednom danu – u tri obroka, u nekom od crnogorskih restorana.

Tradicionalna crnogorska jela koja Vam preporučujemo da probate:

1. Njeguška pršuta i sušeni sir

Najpoznatije tradicionalno crnogorsko predjelo je svakako njeguški pršut. Tajna jedinstvenog i prepoznatljivog ukusa leži u dobroj pripremi, sušenjem visoko kvalitetnog mesa nekoliko mjeseci. Služi se uz Njeguški sušeni sir, masline i domaću rakiju ili vino (Crnogorski Vranac, Vranac Procorde, Crnogorski Cabarnet, Crnogorski Merlot, Vranac Barik, Premijer i Medun).

Tradicionalno crnogorsko jelo

2. Priganice

Jednostavnost ukusa i lakoća kombinovanja sa različitim namirnicama, odlike su jednog od najdražih specijaliteta koje odolijeva vremenu – priganice. Ove prozračne ''loptice'' pripremaju se od tijesta koje se prži u dubokom ulju. Tradicionalno se služi uz domaći med ili džem, a mogu se poslužiti i kao slano jelo, uz sir i pršutu.

Prosto crnogorsko jelo

3. Kačamak

Kačamak je kašasto, visoko kalorično jelo od krompira i pšeničnog ili kukuruznog brašna, čiji ukus upotpunjuju sir i kajmak koji se dodaju na kraju. Idealna kombinacija uz kačamak je domaće kisjelo mlijeko.

Smočani kačamak

4. Meso ispod sača

Sač je najstarija metoda za pripremu tradicionalne hrane, pri čemu se pod metalni poklopac (sač) stavlja meso (teletina, jagnjetina, jaretina, hobotnica, riba) i povrće. Sve to se prekriva žarom i pepelom, kako bi se jelo ravnomjerno ispeklo i sačuvalo aromu.


5. Japraci

Japraci su Crnogorska varijanta sarmi pripremljena sa nadjevom od mesa i pirinča, zavijenog u listove raštana ili vinove loze. Ovo izuzetno hranljivo jelo, kuva se sa suvim mesom, pa tako dobija fantastičnu aromu.

Crnogorska varijanta sarmi

6. Crni rižoto

Ukoliko ste ljubitelj morskih plodova i rižota ovo jelo je pravi izbor za Vas. Rižoto je specifične crne boje dobijene od mastila sipe. Ovaj ukusni specijalitet možete obogatiti čašom bijelog vina (Crnogorski Krstač, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Podgoričko bijelo). 

Mastilo sipe

7. Salata od hobotnice

Salata od hobotnice je takođe popularno jelo u crnogorskim primorskim restoranima. Dostupnost svježe hobotnice u Crnoj Gori je ono što čini ovo jelo posebnim. Kuvano meso hobotnice isjeckano je na komade i začinjeno, a obično se kombinuje uz kuvani krompir, luk i peršun.

kuvano meso hobotnice


Omanja oborita riba, jedinstvenog ukusa, jedna je od najpoznatijih riba Jadrana. Iako je prilično zaboravljena, njen izuzetan miris i ukus zadovoljiće sva Vaša čula.

oborita riba

9. Riblja čorba

Ukoliko ste ljubitelj čorbe, preporučujemo Vam da probate tradicionalnu riblju čorbu. Ova gusta i ljuta čorba se priprema sa nekoliko vrsta ribe, uz dodatak sosa od paradajiza i paprika.

tradicionalna riblja čorba

10.Dimljeni suvi krap

Vrhunski delikates žitelja Skadarskog jezera, dimljeni suvi krap služi se kao predjelo ili glavno jelo, uz razne priloge. Ovo jelo obavezno morate probati ukoliko se nađete u Crnoj Gori.

Skadarsko jezero
