
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A system for controlling traffic at sea-Montenegro

Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System (VTMIS) of the territorial waters of Montenegro

Starting from the 1st of January 2017, the Maritime Safety Department of Montenegro has introduced a mandatory check-in system for all vessels entering and leaving the VTS zone (Vessel Traffic System) responsibility of 12 nautical miles, or reporting to Montenegrin VTS in Dobra Voda.
The obligation of all vessels that are in the VTS area is sending input and output reports or deviational and incident reports in cases of emergencies.

Monitoring and management of maritime navigation is implemented in order to increase the safety of maritime navigation and protection of the sea from pollution.

Monitoring and management of maritime navigation (VTMIS) includes:

1. Gathering data on vessels and maritime navigation;
2. Providing data to all vessels;
3. Providing navigational advice and support for vessels;
4. Organizing navigation and management of maritime navigation;
5. Control over the safety of navigation.

The system for monitoring, providing information and management of maritime navigation is done in collaboration of the Harbour Master and the port authorities with vessels that are in use or are in the internal waters, territorial waters and continental belt of Montenegro. This system is being implemented in order to increase the safety of maritime navigation, efficiency of maritime traffic and the protection of the marine area.

VTMIS (Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System) equipment is located at the following locations: Dobra Voda (Bar), Obosnik (Lustica peninsula), Crni Rt (Sutomore), Mavrijan (Ulcinj). Equipment includes: maritime radar system, radio communication system, the coastal system of automatic identification of ships, weather stations, electronic cartography, direction finder and backup linking network.

VTMIS-system for control and management of maritime navigation

When the vessel in the area of international navigation intends to sail into the VTS area, it is necessary to prepare the following information: name of the vessel, international call sign, position, speed, destination and estimated time of arrival (ETA) 15 minutes in advance and at the latest when the vessel enters the area. It is necessary to collect this information for vessels whose capacity is 300 GRT and over, vessels measuring over 50 meters, vessels that suffer from limited manoeuvrability, vessels on international voyages, vessels engaged in towing/tugging operations, vessels that are carrying dangerous goods or polluting substances, and all vessels which represent a potential risk for navigation, people and the environment.

Informational service - electronic notifications of arrival and departure of vessels 

The Maritime Safety Department has established an informational system for the reporting of vessels entering and departing some of Montenegrin ports. The necessary documents for obtaining a vignette, which the master of the ship shall submit to the shipping agent upon arrival and departure from the territorial waters of Montenegro, are processed and forwarded to state bodies and institutions. Software for automatic forwarding of mandatory documents from the ship made it possible to replace the existing manual system with an automated one. If you are planning to visit Montenegro, please contact Yacht Agent Montenegro team, who will provide you with information on the necessary documents that should be submitted, as well as assist you with the formalities with the port authorities when entering and leaving the territorial waters.

Emergency Situations Number

VTMIS system will facilitate rescue operations at sea, which are coordinated by the Maritime Safety Department (MSD). This system contributes to the better work of the Coordination Centre for search and rescue at sea, because it allows precise locating of endangered vessels.

19833 - Special number for help at sea.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Tourist tax for navigators-Residence tax for vessels


In the upcoming nautical season 2017 and on the basis of the Law on Residence Tax, the municipality of Tivat begins with the collection of the taxes from the vessels engaged in nautical tourism. A representative of the Tourist Organization of Tivat shall perform the charging of such fees.
Each foreign vessel (ship or yacht with built in beds that are used for vacation, sports, recreation, leisure, cruising...), who happens to be in the territorial waters of Montenegro is obliged to pay the tax. Residence tax for vessels depend on the period of their stay in Montenegro and the length of the vessel.

Residence tax may be taken out for a period of 7, 15, 30, 90 days and for a period of one year, depending on the period for which the vignettes are taken. The minimum amount of the fee is 5 euros and it is paid by owners of vessels from seven to ten meters in length, which will be staying in Montenegro up to seven days. Vessels that remain in Montenegro for up to one year and whose length is over 20 meters pay a maximum amount of 120 euros.
It is necessary to pay the tax either when obtaining approval for free traffic, after obtaining a vignette or at the latest prior to departure. A certificate of registration of the vessel is the main document from which to take necessary information when calculating and collecting the residence tax. Certificate shall be issued for paid residence tax. Paid tax applies to the whole stay of the vessel with crew and passengers, while berthing in marinas or ports in addition to moorings, anchorages and internal waters.

If you are planning to visit the Montenegrin coast in the upcoming period, and you need someone to assist in obtaining free traffic, because you are not fully familiar with port formalities and payments of residence tax for vessels, feel free to contact Yacht Agent Montenegro.

Amounts of residence tax, depending on the length of the boat (yacht) and the period of stay of tourists on board:
Length of the vessel
Time period
Amount in euros (€)
7-10 meters
up to 7 days
up to 15 days
up to 30 days
up to 90 days
up to 1 year
11-15 meters
up to 7 days
up to 15 days
up to 30 days
up to 90 days
up to 1 year

16-20 meters
up to 7 days
up to 15 days
up to 30 days
up to 90 days
up to 1 year
Over 20 meters
up to 7 days
up to 15 days
up to 30 days
up to 90 days
up to 1 year

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Hanse Cup Adriatic 2017

HANSE SAILING REGATTA 22.04.2017-26.4.2017

Fifth time in a row, the Hanse Cup Adriatic will be held from April 22nd and will last until 26th of April 2017. The event will be organized in accordance with ISAF RRS 2017-2020 HJS safety regulations and according to sailing guidelines. The event will be held on the waterways of Central Dalmatia including Split, the islands of Solta, Hvar, Pakleni otoci and Vis. If you are a fan of sailing, Hanse Cup Adriatic is the right place to start your sailing season. The event will leave you with an unforgettable three days of sailing and fun.

The organizer of the regatta is Zenta Sailing Club, while co-organizer is Croatia Yachting Ltd.

The basic rules of the program

The basic rule is that only Hanse sailboats can participate in the same. The use of self-tack jibs is mandatory, while the gennaker can be used for sailing downwind.

Classification into groups

Sailing boats will be grouped according to the length of the hull (LOA). The final results will be calculated by the NHS (National Handicap survey) measure system.
Group 1 - Hanse 540, Hanse 545, Hanse 575, Hanse 588
Group 2 - Hanse 505, Hanse 495, Hanse 470
Group 3 - Hanse 455, Hanse 445, Hanse 430
Group 4 - Hanse 415, Hanse 400
Group 5 - Hanse 385, Hanse 370
Group 6 - Hanse 355, Hanse 345, Hanse 325, Hanse 315
The contest organizer has the right to refuse entry into the competition to a Hanse boat on which major changes were made.
One group must contain at least three boats and the committee for the race can change the schedule of the groups according to the number of boats.

Fees for participation in Hanse Cup Adriatic

Anyone interested can apply to participate no later than 10/04/2017. Payment for participation by vessel is 70EUR.
The completed form can be submitted online (, via e-mail or fax no later than 10/04/2017.
Each participant shall pay the amount of 160EUR at the time of registration to book dinners and organization of entertainment programs. Payment is made in cash.
Note: The fee for the berthing is not included in the above mentioned prices, so the participants need to address the Harbour Master or Marina authorities.
Submission of applications for participation in the race and all the necessary payments can be done in Croatia Yachting office, as well as in Marina Kastela.


All competitors participate at their own risk. For damage and accidents that occur before or during the race organizers themselves do not assume any responsibility.


Trophies and prizes will be awarded to the participants of the regatta, which occupy the first, second and third place.

PROGRAM-Hanse Cup Adriatic

Saturday, 22/4/2017
18:00 Reception of competitors and giving instructions regarding sailing
20:00 The official opening of the regatta - welcoming drink

Sunday, 23/4/2017
09:30 Meeting of skippers
11:00 Start 1st race
19:00 Gathering at a local restaurant and winner announcement day

Monday, 24/04/2017
09:30 Meeting of skippers
10:30 Start 2nd race
19:00 Gathering at a local restaurant and winner announcement day

Tuesday, 25/04/2017
09:30 Meeting of skippers
10:30 Start 3rd race
19:00 Gathering at a local restaurant and the announcement of results of the regatta
The race consists of three races for all groups, and the regatta is valid if at least one of the races is successfully completed.

Wednesday, 26/04/2017
Individual sailing. Delivery of the yachts latest till 16:00.

NOTE: The organizer of the regatta keeps the right to be able to change the program.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Hanse Cup Adriatic 2017

 Hanse jedriličarska regata 22.04.2017-26.4.2017 

Hanse Cup Adriatic peti put za redom održaće se od 22. Aprila i trajaće do 26. Aprila 2017. godine. Regata će biti organizovana u skladu sa ISAF RRS 2017 do 2020 HJS propisima bezbjednosti i prema Upustvima za jedrenje. Regata će se održati na plovnim putevima srednje Dalmacije koji obuhvataju Split, ostrva Brač, Hvar, Paklena ostrva i Vis. Ukoliko ste ljubitelj jedrenja Hanse Cup Adriatic je pravo mjesto za početak sezone jedrenja. Regata će vam pružiti tri dana nezaboravnog jedrenja i zabave.
Organizator ove regate je Jedriličarski klub Zenta dok je suborganizator Croatia Yachting d.o.o.

Hanse Cup Adriatic 22-26 April 2017

Osnovna pravila i program

Osnovno pravilo regate jeste da samo Hanse jedrilice mogu da učestvuju u istoj. Obavezna upotreba isključivo samokačivog jedra, dok se genaker može upotrebljavati za jedrenje niz vjetar.

Podjela u grupe

Jedrilice će biti grupisane prema dužini trupa (LOA). Krajnji rezultati će se obračunavati od strane NHP ( Nacionalni hendikep premjer) mjera sistema.

Grupa 1 – Hanse 540, Hanse 545, Hanse 575, Hanse 588
Grupa 2 – Hanse 505, Hanse 495, Hanse 470
Grupa 3 – Hanse 455, Hanse 445, Hanse 430
Grupa 4 – Hanse 415, Hanse 400
Grupa 5 – Hanse 385, Hanse 370
Grupa 6 – Hanse 355, Hanse 345, Hanse 325, Hanse 315

Organizator takmičenja ima pravo da odbije prijavu Hanse jedrilice na kojoj su izvršene velike promjene.
Jedna grupa mora sadržati najmanje tri broda a komisija za trke može da promijeni raspored po grupama prema broju jedrilica.

Naknade za učestvovanje u Hanse Cup Adriatic

Svi zainteresovani mogu da se prijave za učešće najkasnije do 10.04.2017. Uplata za učešće po plovilu iznosi 70EUR.
Popunjeni formular može se dostaviti on-line (, putem e-maila ili faksom najkasnije do 10.04.2017.

Svaki učesnik u trenutku upisa dužan je uplatiti iznos od 160EUR za rezervaciju večere i organizaciju zabavnog programa. Uplata se vrši u gotovini.
Napomena: Naknada za vez nije uračunata u prethodno naznačene cijene pa je neophodno da se učesnici obrate u Marini ili Lučkoj kapetaniji.

Podnošenje prijave za učešće u regati i sve neophodne uplate možete obaviti u Croatia Yachting office kao i u Marini Kaštela.


Svi takmičari regate učestvuju na sopstveni rizik. Za štete i nezgode koje nastanu prije ili u toku same regate organizatori ne preuzimaju nikakvu odgovornost.


Trofejima i nagradama biće nagrađeni učesnici regate koji zauzmu prvo, drugo i treće mjesto.

PROGRAM Hanse Cup Adriatic:

Subota, 22.04.2017
18:00 Prijem takmičara i davanje instrukcija u vezi jedrenja
20:00 Svečano otvaranje regate – piće dobrodošlice

Nedelja, 23.04.2017
09:30 Sastanak skipera
11:00 Početak 1. trke
19:00 Okupljanje u lokalnom restoranu i proglašenje pobjednika dana

Ponedeljak, 24.04.2017
09:30 Sastanak skipera
10:30 Početak 2. trke
19:00 Okupljanje u lokalnom restoranu i proglašenje pobjednika dana

Utorak, 25.04.2017
09:30 Sastanak skipera
10:30 Početak 3. trke
19:00 Okupljanje u lokalnom restoranu i proglašenje rezultata regate

Regata se sastoji od tri trke za sve grupe, a regata je važeća ukoliko je barem jedna trka uspješno završena.

Srijeda, 26.04.2017
Individualno jedrenje. Isporuka jahti najkasnije do 16:00.

*Organizator ove regate zadržava pravo izmjene programa