
Friday, September 18, 2015

Lučke kapetanije i lučke ispostave Crne Gore

Lučke kapetanije i lučke ispostave vrše inspekcijski nadzor nad primjenom propisa kojima se uređuju odnosi u obalnom moru i unutrašnjim vodama Republike Crne Gore.

Lučka kapetanija Bar ima ispostave:
Lučka kapetanija Bar, Kotor i Lučke ispostave Ulcinj, Budva, Virpazar, Tivat, Zelenika i Herceg Novi
  • Budva
  • Ulcinj
  • Virpazar
Lučka kapetanija Kotor ima sledeće ispostave:
  • Tivat
  • Zelenika
  • Herceg Novi

Lučke kapetanije vrše upravne, inspekcijske i tehničke poslove iz oblasti sigurnosti i bezbjednosti plovidbe.

Upravni poslovi su:

  • upis brodova, jahti i čamaca u upisnike
  • organizovanje stručnih ispita za pomorce  
  • izdavanje isprava članovima posade brodova, jahti i čamaca

Inspekcijski poslovi su:

  • nadzor nad lukama, marinama i pristaništima u pogledu opremljenosti i osposobljenosti njihovih operativnih obala
  • nadzor nad brodovima u lukama u pogledu zaštite lica na brodu i zaštite životne sredine
  • nadzor nad brodovima u pogledu njihove osposobljenosti za plovidbu
  • nadzor nad članovima posade brodova i čamaca u pogledu broja, njihove osposobljenosti i ovlašćenja za obavljanje određenih dužnosti i poslova u skladu sa ispravama o ukrcaju
  • nadzor nad uređivanjem i održavanjem plovnih puteva i objektima bezbjednosti plovidbe na tim plovnim putevima
  • nadzor nad radom vršenja radio službe koja služi sigurnosti plovidbe i zaštiti ljudskih života na moru, ekološkom zaštitom
  • nadzor nad bavljanjem meteorološke službe koja služi sigurnosti plovidbe

Tehnički poslovi su:

  • vođenje prekršajnih postupaka u upravnom postupku protiv pravnih i fizičkih lica kao počinilaca pomorskih prekršaja

Kontakt telefoni Lučkih kapetanija i lučkih ispostava su sledeći:
  • Lučka kapetanija Bar               +382 30 312 733, +382 69 290 274
  • Lučka ispostava Budva               +382 33 451 227, +382 69 290 257
  • Lučka ispostava Ulcinj               +382 30 421 780, +382 69 290 258
  • Lučka ispostava Virpazar       +382 20 711 126, +382 69 290 274
  • Lučka kapetanija Kotor           +382 32 304 312, +382 69 681 504
  • Lučka ispostava Tivat                 +382 32 671 262, +382 69 376 725,                                                                                                  +382 69 450 521
  • Lučka ispostava Zelenika   +382 31 678 276, +382 69 086 220
  • Lučka ispostava Herceg Novi     +382 31 678 276, +382 69 086 220
Ukoliko trebate asistenciju u nekoj od Lučkih kapetanija ili lučkih ispostava Yacht Agent Montenegro vam stoji na raspolaganju.


Montenegro is located on the east coast of the Adriatic Sea. It is a well-known tourist destination that is especially appealing to people who love sailing and other sea sports. A 295 km long coastline, with 72 km of beaches, is enriched with many old towns and beautiful natural bays. Sunny and windy days, crystal clear sea and Mediterranean ambient creates a paradise for anyone who loves life at the seaside.
coast of montenegro
The Coast of Montenegro

sailing in boka bay montenegro
Reggata - "Fasinada Cup"
With regard to the long tradition, sailing is very popular sport in Montenegro. Sailing Federation of Montenegro, in cooperation with 9 sailing clubs along the coast, organizes large number of regattas for sport and cruising sailboats. Most visited regatta is "Fasinada Cup" in Perast organized by Y.C."Porto Montenegro" and Y.C."Lahor" Kotor. 

In the south of the country there is 13 km long "Long Beach". This fascinating place with rich flora and fauna at the mouth of Bojana River is perfect for kite surfing.

ulcinj long beach kite surf paradise
"Big Beach" - Ulcinj
From Bar to Ulcinj, a town in the south of Montenegro where "Long Beach" is located, there are 31 wonderful sea caves. This part of the coast is very interesting for sailing because of a great number of windy days throughout the year. The most common wind in the summertime is Maestral, a moderately strong north-west wind.

Bar is also a town in the southern part of the coast. It has a big Marina with a large number of berths with full service for motor yachts and sailboats. There are also a lot of sandy beaches and bays such as "Queen's Beach" - a very attractive place for anchoring and spending your day surrounded by beautiful nature.

Queen Beach Montenegro :anj
"Queen's Beach" - Bar

In the middle of the Montenegrin coast there is a town called Budva. With its perfectly preserved old town, long sandy beaches, lots of bars and clubs and also a very big Marina, it is a center of tourism in Montenegro. This aquatorium is suitable for sailing because of the open sea. Just a few miles to the south you can visit the most beautiful peninsula in Montenegro - a hotel town "Sveti Stefan".

Budva marina montenegro
Marina Budva

Bay of Boka is located in the northern part of the coast. The so-called "bride" of the Adriatic, is a heavenly place with 3 towns (Kotor, Tivat and Herceg Novi), lot of small villages and two islands in the middle of the bay. The biggest Marina on the coast Porto Montenegro - Tivat is located here. This bay is the most visited place in Montenegro with a variety of happenings during the year.

Boka Bay

The Cathedral of Saint Tryphon - Kotor

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Restrictions for vessels navigating in Montenegrin coastal waters are the following:

  • Vessels operating as public means of transport shall keep away at least 300 meters from the shore,
  • Sports vessels, leisure vessels and yachts shall keep away at least 200 meters from the shore,
  • Motor boats and sailboats shall keep away at least 150 meters from the shore,
  • Rowing boats can approach the shore at a distance less than 50 meters
  • All boats must keep at a distance larger than 50 meters from the line marked by buoys at an arranged or artificial swimming area and at a distance larger than 150 meters from a natural swimming area
  • Speedboats may skim the water only at a distance larger than 200 meters from the shore and in an area where skimming is not prohibited.
  • Jet-propelled boats can skim the water only at an area where skimming is not prohibited, which is determined by the competent harbourmaster's office, and at a distance of at least 300 meters from the coast.
  • Jet-propelled boats can access the area where skimming is allowed only by taking properly marked sea passages, at the lowest possible speed.
Swimming outside of a buoy line at an arranged or artificial beach/swimming area and at the distance larger than 100 meters from the coast of a natural beach/swimming area is prohibited.

The Coast of Montenegro